What to pack
We suggest your camper packs as many old clothes and linens as possible, since camp and campers are hard on these items and some things may get lost. Keep in mind the cool Colorado climate: warm sunny days and chilly (sometimes 40 degrees) nights! Also keep in mind that laundry is done once a week so pack enough extra for your child while laundry is out (2-3 days). Remember that this is a suggested list of items for boy and girl campers.
We again request that you monitor the clothing that your child brings to camp and make sure that it is camp appropriate and follows the Camper Dress Code and Personal Items Policy.
It is a good idea to make a list of all possessions and tape it in the top of footlocker or in the suitcase for repacking to come home. Please notify us at once if something is missing when your camper returns home. We will do our best to locate lost items. All unclaimed items will be donated to the Red Bud Reservation in South Dakota within 60 days after the close of camp. Please do not send valuable or precious items to camp!